Rockefeller Dentistry

Teeth Whitening

Cosmetic & General Dentistry located in Midtown , New York, NY

Teeth Whitening

If your teeth aren’t as bright and white as they used to be, consider professional teeth whitening at Rockefeller Dentistry. The expert dental team offers the Zoom Teeth-Whitening system, which whitens your teeth without damaging your gums. They also offer take-home trays to help you maintain your results. Call the office today to book a consultation or schedule online. 

Teeth Whitening Q & A

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening improves the appearance of your smile by brightening your teeth’s whiteness. The Rockefeller Dentistry team uses the Zoom teeth whitening system to lift your teeth several shades whiter. 

Though many over-the-counter options exist, professional teeth whitening helps you achieve more dramatic results and protects your teeth and gums.

You can choose to have Zoom teeth whitening performed in the office, which provides results in about an hour, or you can use take-home trays, which whiten your teeth over time and also help you maintain their whiteness. 

Why do teeth lose their whiteness?

Teeth often lose their whiteness due to reasons such as:

  • Aging
  • Genetics
  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Consumption of food and drinks that stain your teeth
  • Tobacco use
  • Certain medications

You should consider teeth-whitening services at Rockefeller Dentistry if you’re ready to get rid of the appearance of stained or dull teeth and want a brighter smile. 

What can I expect during the teeth whitening process?

Before your treatment, our expert doctors determine if you’re a candidate for teeth whitening by evaluating the health of your teeth and gums. If you have severely discolored teeth or damaged gums, teeth whitening might not be right for you. However, the practice offers other cosmetic and restorative options, such as veneers.

Your in-office whitening procedure begins with your practitioner cleaning your teeth and placing a guard over your gums for protection. 

Next, we apply the Zoom teeth whitening gel over the surface of your teeth. We then place an LED light over your teeth to further activate the whitening agent for about 30 minutes.

Once complete, you rinse your mouth and examine the results. The dental team offers at-home whitening trays that you use as directed on your own to maintain the whiteness of your teeth.

Be mindful of what you eat and drink. If you consume foods and drinks that stain, such as berries, coffee, and red wine, be sure to rinse your mouth afterward.

Continue good oral hygiene habits, including brushing at least twice daily and flossing once daily. In addition, schedule routine appointments for professional cleanings every six months to optimize your results.

Call Rockefeller Dentistry today to book a consultation to determine if teeth whitening is right for you. You can also use the online scheduling tool at any time.